Spearhead NO CD Crack
Click the Download Link that is your Version of the Spearhead Patch.
Download the File. Make sure you know what folder you are downloading the NO CD
CRACK to." Best to download on your DESK TOP ". Because you will have to go and unzip the file
and install it to C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\MOHAA .
If you dont have a program to open
ZIP FILES. Go here to download the FREE VERSION of WINZIP.
Just a TIP to tell you if you are Installing the NO CD CRACK
into the right folder. When you go to Unzip the EXE file from the NO CD CRACK Zip File / or if you
decide just to Copy & Paste the New EXE file from the NO CD CRACK zip file. If you go
to install it in the folder and it DOES NOT ask you to OVER WRITE a
file. Then you are installing the NO CD CRACK into the wrong folder.
You want to over write the file. So Click YES.
Because the new EXE file DOES NOT ask for your CD.
Description This patch will update Medal of Honor:
Allied Assault expansion pack Spearhead to version 2.11.
Changes - Added the Malta map, new German weapon and
new skins - Fixed issue where under some circumstances, players could not enter a multiplayer game. - Added message
that says you can't join Spearhead servers using the MOHAA exe & vice versa - Fixed bug where player can get stuck
while using the mortar. - Fixed various voting issues. - Fixed bug where at the end of the 3.2 after the plane has
dropped the bomb on the bridge the player can drive off the bridge and into the canal. - Fixed various collision issues
with railing around artillery cannons. - Fixed bug where second tank doesn't show up in 3.2. - Fixed "buddy jumping"
issue. - Fixed various visual clipping issues in 3.1 - Fixed bug where player could fall through the level in Brest.
- Added scoring for completing objectives in TOW maps. 2 points for regular objective; 5 points for spawn objective. -
Fixed graphical glitch in Berlin Allied cinematic. - Fixed bug where players could interrupt TOW cinematics. - Fixed
various issues where TOW cinematics would end prematurely. - Can now use map screen to access all missions after beating
game in HARD difficulty. - Fixed issue in round based mode when frag limits are reached and the score screen would come
up and the map wouldn't restart. - Removed ability to drop binoculars in multiplayer games. - Fixed issue where players
can pick up wrong ammo in multiplayer. - Fixed issue when playing a round based match the round would not end if an entire
team disconnects during the course of play. - Fixed issue where a round based match fails to end when all but one player
have left (or have been kicked from) the server. - Fixed bug where dedicated servers would not show up with the "dedicated"
filter option turned on. - Added dm_show_demo_servers console var to allow player ability to filter out demo servers from
the server list. - Enabled sv_pure to allow players to connect to servers that prevented client-side data cheating. Pure
servers will only allow clients to join that are using the same pak files as the server.
Fixed: - missing windows32_frame_broken texture replaced - Bad player
popping through fence textures - HUD remains on the screen during TOW win animations - Visible crosshair during in-game
cut scene - Hangar Door switches only animate the first time they are used - The captain may never give the signal to
continue on 1.2 - Using the portable MG-42 and trapping someone in it - MG42 and switching to next weapon - Using
the mortar, have a teammate stand in front of it and fire, user gets blown backwards - No collision on foot stool in first
house of 1.2 - Able to clip into cabinet when crouched in 1.2 - No HUD message when picking up sniper rifle - Servers
running the game will have a large negative ping value sometimes - SV_Pure 1 doesn't work on a listen server - Map Hole
near stairs and Tank in Brest - Hole in the mountains in Flughafen - Credits updated to reflect changes from legal -
Italian text error - Italian: Wrong objective - German: Weapon Name display - Inadequate button in difficulty select -
German: inadequate mp kill message - TOW Berlin - Allies victory movie shows surviving Nazis. - Player is not harmed
by fire around destroyed 88s. - Next/prev weapon broken - Captain's text has an incorrect comma - LT Italian untranslated
text in Load/Save screen - Nebelwerfer audio audible all over the map - Sound effect for T34 main gun - AI problems
shooting downed soldiers - Players can call vote with negative numbers - Gamespy DOS attack patched - German: Map
authenticy in 3.1 - Fixed server restarting issues when 32-bit values wrapped - Fixed unlimited ammo gameplay issues -
you can no longer call a vote when dead - The "butt scoot" should no longer be in the game - Infostring length exceeded
errors from some TOW servers should no longer occur - Vstr nextmap aliasing now functions properly - Fixed certain rifles
not audibly firing in lagged situations - Removed cg_smoothclients as defaulting to on - Various map hole fixes -
Terrain crash bug fixed - Many localization problems resolved
