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System Requirements Pentium II 300 MHz, 64 MB RAM, Windows95/98/2000/ME,
DirectX 7.0, 400 MB hard-disk space, 4x CD-ROM drive, 8 MB DirectX-compatible 3D accelerator, and DirectX-compatible sound
all game patches and
screenshots page at
3D Gamers.
PLEASE NOTE* If you have already installed the North American only
version of the 1.001 patch, you do not need this update! " MAP PACK #1
" Also, save games from version 1.0 will NOT work after this update is installed. However, it will be possible to restart
the game at the last mission you completed so you will not have to start over from the beginning of the game.
To install Map Pack 2, click on the archive and extract the
files to a temporary directory of your choosing. The default path is c:\NOLFMapPack. Once the extraction is complete, explore
to the directory and click on setup.exe. Finish the installation wizard to complete the update.
No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way
System Requirements
Windows(R) 98/98 se/Me/2000 with latest service pack/XP
MINIMUM Pentium(R)
III 733 MHz or equivalent 128 MB (256 MB for Windows XP) RAM 32 MB Hardware T & L video card 16-bit DirectX(R)
8.1 compatible sound card 4x CD-ROM or DVD drive 2.0 GB HD space 56k modem required to join games, broadband connection
or LAN required to host. DirectX 8.1 or higher
RECOMMENDED Pentium III 1 GHz or equivalent 256 MB RAM 64
MB Hardware T & L video card 16-bit DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card with support for EAX 2.0
