1. Problems
Finding Internet Games
If you are having problems seeing servers in the Multiplayer
Join Server screen, please make sure that you have checked the following before contacting customer support.
A.) Make sure that you are connected to the Internet
(through either a Local Area Network, dial-up connection, etc.). You must connect
to the Internet before starting the game.
B.) Once you have connected to the Internet and started
the game, select the Join Server option from the main menu and click the Source button in the upper left portion of the screen
until you see the word Internet. Once you have selected Internet as the source,
click the Refresh List button to the right of the Source button.
C.) If you are running firewall software on your system,
such as ZoneAlarm®, please refer to the "Issues When Using Firewall Software" section below.
2. Issues
When Using Firewall Software
If you are using firewall software such as ZoneAlarm®
and you are experiencing problems, make sure your firewall software is set to allow UDP packets on port 28960. Call of Duty uses this port for connection, message of the day, server browsing, and so forth.
In general, we do not advise setting up a Call of Duty
server on a machine that is also either a NAT server (such as Microsoft's Internet Connection Sharing) or set up with ipForwarding
for a Local Area Net (LAN) onto the Internet. These machines see clients on your LAN as different addresses from the Internet
and thus you cannot authorize these clients.
NOTE: Activision Customer Support does not support playing multiplayer
through firewalls or shared connections.
3. The
Game Freezes When Selecting Multiplayer
This will sometimes occur if you are not connected to
the Internet before selecting multiplayer, and your Internet Service Provider uses "Auto Dial" to connect to the Internet. Auto Dial is a feature that brings up a dialogue box whenever using Internet applications
without being connected to the Internet, the dialogue box will prompt the user to connect to the Internet and ask for their
user name and password.
If you use Auto Dial, please make sure you are connected
to the Internet before starting Call of Duty to prevent your system from hanging. Contact
your Internet Service Provider for more information regarding Auto Dial as it may affect your account and connection.
4. What
Are the Map Names for Multiplayer?
If you are running a dedicated server for multiplayer,
you can use the filenames listed below to load the corresponding maps for your server.
Maps can be loaded by typing directly into the server console on the host machine, or via the "\rcon" command for remote
servers. To load a map the server must execute the "map <filename>" command.
Map Name = File Name
Brecourt = mp_brecourt
Carentan = mp_carentan
Chateau = mp_chateau
Dawnville = mp_dawnville
Depot = mp_depot
Harbor = mp_harbor
Hurtgen = mp_hurtgen
Pavlov = mp_pavlov
POW Camp = mp_powcamp
Railyard = mp_railyard
Rocket = mp_rocket
Ship = mp_ship
NOTE: mp_chateau
and mp_ship do not support the Search & Destroy multiplayer game type.
5. Problems
Playing Multiplayer with More Than 32 People
The multiplayer maps created for Call of Duty do not
support more than 32 players on a server, or more than 16 players per team, with the exception of the Behind Enemy Lines game
type. The maps have limited spawn points available. With more than 16 players on a team, you will experience instances of telefragging (causing them to have
to respawn).
If you are operating a server with more than 32 people,
or more than 16 per team, do so at your own risk.
6. Game
Type Server Settings are Erased When Changing Game Types in Multiplayer
When you change the game type from the Start Server screen,
the settings under the Game Type Settings menu will be reset without warning. This
was done to prevent bad configurations from occurring. Server settings vary for
each game type.
7. Problems
Adding IP Address to Favorites List
To get a server into your Favorites list, set the "Source"
in the server browser to "Favorites" and then select "New Favorites, and enter the server information.
8. Locking
Out a Game Using Password Feature
If the "Password" field is blank in the Start New Server
screen, the server will not check for a password. If it is not blank, the server
will use the password listed in the field. If you wish the server to have a password,
you should type one in; if not, do not enter one, or delete it if you have set one before.
9. Host
is booted on a password protected listen server
If you are running a listen server with a password, you
may encounter the server being booted after a Call Vote. To work around this issue, before the vote, do the following:
1. Display the console by hitting `.
2. Type "\password <server password>" where server
password is the password you have set for the server.
10. Hosting
Multiplayer on Dialup
Activision does not support hosting games on a dialup
Internet connection.
11. Playing Multiplayer on Dialup
If you are playing Call of Duty multiplayer on a dialup
modem, please note that you are limited to playing games with a maximum of 8 players due to the limited amount of bandwidth
available on a dialup connection.